Monday, August 17, 2009

Sneak Peak at new Cash Box Feature

I have been doing the final testing and marketing work for our Tuesday, August 18th, 2009 release of our Cash Box program. I thought you might like to get a sneak peak at some of the stuff.

The programs lets you...

  1. Take Payments
  2. Create and Print Receipts
  3. Create and Print Remittance Reports
  4. Balances each Cash Box in your agency perfectly

Here are two short videos showing you how to take a payment...

And how to add companies to the company list.

I love releasing new features - especially at no extra cost!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Securely Share ACORD Forms with Prospects and Insureds

With our new SehHey extension of Cap Dat ACORD, you can now let your insured or prospect help you complete ACORD applications securely and privately online.

You can share a same source document - tech talk for you are both working on the same form.

You share more securely than through email and with none of the hassles email can give you with spam filters and attachment sizes.

Take a look at this 2 minute and 34 second video on how easy this can be...

Learn how to get started with Cap Dat ACORD and SehHey here..

Monday, August 3, 2009

SehHey with Facebook Coonect

We have added Facebook Connect to our SehHey service as part of our Cap Dat ACORD service. Another great upgrade for no additional cost.

With Facebook connect your insureds can access the information you share with them through SehHey without having to remember another user name or password. They can even add a direct link to SehHey and the information your are sharing with them to their Facebook account so you are still easier to find.

See how this works in the short video..