Thursday, June 19, 2014

How to Complete the ACORD 126 Remarks Section and Read the Fraud Warning

ACORD 126 Remarks Section and Fraud Warning


This is a free form text entry box where you can add any information you wish. I recommend you use it for things you may have put in your cover letter to the underwriter. That letter will likely get lost somewhere, but the application will remain for years.

If you are using the Remarks section to add to a response to a question earlier in this form, start the remark with the section name and question number. That will allow your underwriter to understand what this additional information is meant to answer.

There is a fair amount of space here but is you need more use the ACORD 101.


The very last thing on the ACORD 126 for is a bunch of text about the criminal status of knowingly and with intent providing false information in these documents. It is a crime and a felony in many states.

The purpose of placing this on the form is either to advise you which states it is not a crime in so you can go to that state to complete the forms - I doubt that - or to impress upon you and your insured the importance of being honest, accurate and disclosing information fully.

I hope this has helped you learn how to complete the ACORD 126 Remarks section.


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