Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How to Complete the ACORD 126 General Information Section

ACORD 126 General Information Section

The General Information questions begin on page 3 and continue on page 4 of the ACORD 126 Commercial General Liability Section.

As I am writing this on June 10, 2014 this section has 20 questions. All questions are set up as Yes or No answers first. Then, if you have any Yes answers you need to provide an explanation.

The explanation should begin in the free form text entry space in the box with the Question.

If you need more room use the Remarks section on page 4. Remember to begin your additional information in the Remarks section with the question number.

Beware of making the mistake of thinking you should answer all questions with a "No". For instance, the current question #19 asks whether there is a formal, written safety and security policy in effect. Answering this "No" will make this risk less attractive to your underwriter.

Take the time to read each question completely. I even read things like this out loud sometimes. It stops me from letting boredom allow my eyes to fog over and skip some things. If I am really having a hard time focusing I will read a few sentences backwards. That always helps me refocus. Plus sometimes it can make the sentence sound like Yoda is asking a question.

I hope this helps you learn how to complete the ACORD 126 General Information Section.


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