Wednesday, December 3, 2014

ACORD Forms Required for a California Business Auto Application

ACORD Forms Required for a California Business Auto Application

You almost always need more than one ACORD form to complete an application for new or renewal business.

Supplemental forms commonly required have to do with Terrorism coverage, Fraud Statements, etc.

These forms typically require the insured's signature and become a part of the legal documentation you need to protect your insured, your carrier, your agency and yourself in the event of certain losses.

This post list all the required ACORD forms for a Business Auto Policy application in the state of California.

This list would differ in other states, but this is a good idea of forms in every state. A specific carrier may have some forms of their own which they require. We do not have a list of non ACORD forms required by specific carriers.

As with all commercial lines except workers comp you start with the ACORD 125 Commercial Insurance Application.

Next is the ACORD 127 Business Auto Section

The the state specific ACORD 137CA California Commercial Auto form. Each state has their own 137 form.

The ACORD 60 US Terrorism Insurance Coverage

The ACORD 61 CA California Auto Supplement. This is the mandatory offer of uninsured motorist coverage. Most states have their own version of this form.

Finally the ACORD 63 US Fraud Statement form.


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