Monday, October 13, 2014

ACORD 131 Additional Exposures - Part 1 - Instructions

Additional Exposures Instructions ACORD 131 Part 1


ACORD 131 Agency Customer ID
As with all ACORD forms with more than one page enter your agency customer ID so this page will be able to find the rest of this binder if somewhere, somehow in that thing we call the business cycle they get separated from each other.


Instructions ACORD 131 Advertisers Liability

All the questions are first answered as a Yes or NO question by putting a Y or N in the box on the far right hand column for each row.

If you answer YES to any of these questions you need to answer the questions in that row.

1 - MEDIA USED: - List the media in which you advertise. This might include TV, radio, newspaper, magazines or online ads.

ANNUAL COST: $ - Enter the dollar amount you spend a year on all advertising.

2 - ARE SERVICES OF AN ADVERTISING AGENCY USED? - if so, enter the name or names of the agency and for which media you use them.

3 - ANY COVERAGE PROVIDED UNDER AGENCY'S POLICY? - This is the advertising agency they are asking about. If there is coverage provided please list the carrier, policy number, coverage form and edition date and the limit.


Instructions ACORD 131 Aircraft Liabiilty

All the questions are first answered as a Yes or NO question by putting a Y or N in the box on the far right hand column for each row.

If you answer YES to any of these questions you need to answer the questions in that row.

4 - DOES APPLICANT OWN / LEASE / OPERATE AIRCRAFT? - If yes describe the aircraft and the way it is being used.

As an interesting question, should a drone be considered an aircraft? Even the small personal ones. I would suggest they should be.


Instructions ACORD 131 Auto Liability
All the questions are first answered as a Yes or NO question by putting a Y or N in the box on the far right hand column for each row.

If you answer YES to any of these questions you need to answer the questions in that row.


If Yes list type of materials handled and any safety procedures.

Caustic does not mean material with a biting wit in this usage. It means a material capable of burning, corroding, dissolving, or eating away by chemical action.

Flammable is a material which ignites easily and burns rapidly with a flame, or a material with flash point below an arbitrary temperature limit of 50 degrees C or 122 degrees F.

Here is a useful link to OSHA's web page on flammable materials.

6 - ARE PASSENGERS CARRIED FOR A FEE? - If so please elaborate. Do go on.

Are vehicles used as independent contractors for Uber or LYFT carrying passengers for a fee? Yep.

7 - ANY UNITS NOT INSURED BY UNDERLYING POLICIES? - A good example would be my farm truck. From time to time is is not licensed and is only driven on the farm. Many construction vehicles fall under this same use.

8 - ARE ANY VEHICLES LEASED OR RENTED TO OTHERS? - explain if the answer is Yes.

9 - ARE HIRED AND NON-OWNED COVERAGES PROVIDED? - You just need to check your primary auto liability policy for this. List the carrier, policy number, effective dates and limits.


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