Friday, July 25, 2014

ACORD 146 Fraud Warning and Signature Section

How to Complete the ACORD 146 Signature Section


The top 3/4's of the 3rd page of the ACORD 146 for is a bunch of text about the criminal status of knowingly and with intent providing false information in these documents. It is a crime and a felony in many states.

The purpose of placing this on the form is either to advise you which states it is not a crime in so you can go to that state to complete the forms - I doubt that - or to impress upon you and your insured the importance of being honest, accurate and disclosing information fully.

Keep in mind that not only can Fraud lead to prison time and fines, it can also allow the carrier to deny payment for claims.


PRODUCER'S SIGNATURE - sign your name manually or electronically.

PRODUCER'S NAME (Please Print) - Print the name you just signed. If you are like me, your signature is more readable than your print.

STATE PRODUCER LICENSE NO (Required in Florida) - If you do not know this, ask other agents or the agency owner.

APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE - have your customer sign manually or electronically.

DATE - the date the document was signed by the applicant.

NATIONAL PRODUCER NUMBER - If you do not know this, ask other agents or the agency owner.

I hope this has helped you learn how to complete the ACORD 146 Signature Section.


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