Wednesday, June 25, 2014

ACORD 127 Driver Information and Coverage / Limits

How to Complete the ACORD 127 Driver Information


Just above the Driver information section is a note about the coverage and limits section. Because insurance is regulated on a state by state basis, coverage and limit can vary widely from one state to another. You will need to use the ACORD 137 form for your specific state to complete the entire application to send to your underwriter.

If you have more than one state where this business is garaging vehicles, you will need to use a separate ACORD 137 for each state. I will cover all the ACORD 137 forms in later posts.


This form has 13 rows for drivers. Why ACORD would dare to put such an unlucky number on the form is I question I cannot answer. They could have finished the curse by naming the form the ACORD 13. If you are suspicious I suggest you never fill in the information on the 13th driver on this form.

If you need room for more drivers use the ACORD 163.

DRIVER# You should just list these in a 1,2,3 sequential order.

Believe it or not driver number and vehicle number are the two items which cause software programmers the greatest heartache and headache in building systems to manage auto policies. The issue is when you have to remove a driver and add a driver. Normal human beings can see if you start with 10 drivers and remove one and add another you still have 10 drivers. But computers do not like that. They never let go of the removed driver, so the new driver becomes driver #11. That is until the policy renews, then they forget the removed driver and the new driver becomes driver #10.

I am not terribly worried that machines which cannot figure this out are going to take over the world.

NAME CITY, STATE, and ZIP CODE The driver's name and address. This should be an exact match to the information on their driver's license.

SEX M for male, F for female.

MAR STAT Marital status is usually shown as M for married, S for single, D for divorced, W for widow or widower, etc. The note at the bottom of this section states "MARTIAL STATUS / CIVIL UNION (if applicable)". I do not know the indicator for civil union. I suggest a C.

DATE OF BIRTH It will be appreciated if you enter this in the DD/MM/YYYY format. Again, match the driver's license.

YRS EXP - Years of driving experience for this driver.

Here is a secret. You and I both know that if you subtract Year Licensed from this year, you will get the answer to Driver's YRS EXP. But sometimes we apparently have to help others with this type of math. Just do so in a kind way so you do not hurt your underwriter's feelings.

YR LIC - This is the year the license was issued.

DRIVERS LICENSE NUMBER/ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Enter the complete driver's license number. If this is not available enter this person's social security number.

STATE LIC Enter the two character ID for the state which has issued this driver's license.

DATE HIRED This is the date this driver was originally hired by this business. It is fine to say month and year.

BROADENED NO FAULT This is a yes or no answer. Use Y or N.

DOC This stands for Driver Other Car coverage. This is a yes or no question, Use a Y or an N.

USE VEH # Enter the vehicle number from this application of the vehicle that this driver operates most often.

% USE Enter the percentage of the time this driver is the operator of the USE VEH you entered in the previous question. Example, if this driver uses vehicle 1 all the time enter 100%.

I hope this has helped you learn how to complete the ACORD 127 drivers information section.


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