Friday, May 23, 2014

ACORD 125 How To Complete the Contact Information Section

ACORD 125 Commercial Insurance Application Contact Information Section

You or the insurance carrier may have many reasons to contact the insured. The names you list in the contact information section should anticipate these reasons...

  1. General Information - the person you meet with, often the owner, to complete and review the application
  2. Accounting Information - the bookkeeper, accountant, comptroller, etc. This would be the person an insurance company auditor would contact to get final payroll or sales numbers.
  3. Physical Site Inspection - this would be the person the insurance carriers' safety engineers would contact to arrange an on-site visit.

CONTACT TYPE: Use the list above or add your own description of the type of contact to which this person will be best suited.

CONTACT NAME: The name of this contact. Use the name to which they normally answer. I have always called by brother Andy, but when I call his office nobody there knows him as Andy. They know him as Andrew or Mr. Williams. I would use Andrew Williams as the name for this space.


Check the one box that applies - Home / Business / Cell

Some thoughts of mine on home and cell phones. I would never give out a customer's home or cell phone number without having a written permission to do so on file. Cell phones are more problematic than home phones because cell phones can receive texts. Text are a permanent record the same way an email is a permanent record. It is a dangerous legal idea to have a personal cell phone receive any business related text messages. It gets into all kinds of Privacy Law issues.


I would get written permission for my file before giving out their e-mail address. Of course, if the person whose email address you are listing here is also the person signing the application, then I think that is written permission.

I would worry about a secondary e-mail address being a personal e-mail address. I would worry about any e-mail address that was received on a personal - as opposed to business only - cell phone. As I understand it, if you have any business related data - texts, voice mails, e-mails - on your personal cell phone and you leave the employment of the business related to that data, then you are automatically at risk of being exposed to having committed a felony for possession of personal data.


These are exactly the same fields as listed above, just for a second contact.

I hope this has helped you learn how to complete the ACORD 125 commercial insurance application applicant information contact section.

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