Monday, April 14, 2014

ACORD 25 - Policy Number and Dates - Part 15 How to Complete a Certificate of Liability Insurance

In the center of the ACORD 25 form, in the COVERAGES section are three columns titled POLICY NUMBER, POLICY EFF (MM/DD/YYYY), and POLICY EXP (MM/DD/YYYY).

For each COVERAGE TYPE - Commercial General Liability, Automobile Liability, Umbrella and Excess, Workers Compensation, and other you will enter the specific policy number for that coverage type in the column titled POLICY NUMBER.

Include any policy number prefix - such as BAP or WC. Enter any policy number suffix such as 01 or 02. Your policy number might look something like this....


Generally the prefix indicates line of business and the suffix indicates consecutive policy term.

Under the column titled POLICY EFF, enter the effective date of the policy. The requested format of MM/DD/YYYY means two digits for month, two digits for day of the month and four digits for year.

Examples would be 01/01/2014 or 11/15/2014. Use a leading 0 for months and dates less than 10.

The reason for this formatting is to standardize the input for computer systems. If you enter using the requested format you help eliminate errors in the process.

Under the column titled POLICY EXP, enter the policy's expiration date. The comments above about effective date apply to expiration date.

I hope this information is helpful in your learning how to complete the ACORD 25 certificate of liability insurance.

We all learn for the first time at some point. Please feel free to pass this on to others you think it may help.

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