Wednesday, April 23, 2014

ACORD 130 Workers Compensation App Producer Infomation

Agent Information

Below your Agency's Name and Address, you enter your personal information.

This is for you the agent, producer, sales rep, account executive - whatever your agency calls you. You are the person the underwriter will be contacting to get more information and to return a quote. That is the main purpose of this section.

PRODUCER NAME: The agent to whom this account belongs.

CS REPRESENTATIVE NAME: This might be the same as Producer, in which case leave it blank or use dittos. Or it will be the name of the customer service rep who helps the producer with this account.

OFFICE PHONE: Your direct phone line, or main number if your agency has no individual direct lines.

MOBILE PHONE: The number for your business mobile phone. If you do not have a business mobile phone you should be certain your agency allows you to take business calls, get business emails and business text messages on your personal mobile phone before you give anyone that number.

It is a major cyber liability exposure for your agency to allow you to use a personal mobile device for business communications. If you ever leave your job at the agency, immediately, and without intent, you will have broken a number of privacy laws by having old business communications on your personal mobile device.

FAX: Your agency fax number if for some reason your agency still uses a FAX machine.

E-MAIL ADDRESS: This should be your business email. Follow the logic of using your personal mobile device above and the same applies to personal email addresses. It is a terrible idea for both you and your employer.

CODE: This is your agency code with the specific carrier to whom you are sending this application.

SUB CODE: This means sub-producer code. This is your individual sub producer code with this specific carrier. The reason for entering this is to make paying you commissions easier for your agency.

AGENCY CUSTOMER ID: This is the ID number assigned by some back office system somewhere. Maybe your agency back office system or the carrier back office system. This is probably left blank most of the time.

If you are using Cap Dat ACORD all this information will pre-fill this section from your profile.

I hope this helps you learn a bit more about how to complete the ACORD 130 Workers Compensation Application.

Please share this with anyone it may help.

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