Here is a video demo of our new Self Service Certificate of Insurance service.
Make you job and your customers life better by letting them manage this function safely and securely, 24/7.
You are still in control and aware of all issued certificates. You just don't have to do the work. And your customer never has to wait on you again.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Why Use Self Service Certificates of Insurance
Because you and your insured are better off.
See how in this 1 minute 23 second video..
If you are not already a Cap Dat ACORD user you can sign up here. There is a 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee to take the risk out of your trying the service.
See how in this 1 minute 23 second video..
If you are not already a Cap Dat ACORD user you can sign up here. There is a 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee to take the risk out of your trying the service.
How Your Insured Uses Self Service Certificates of Insurance
Watch this 7 slide show to see how simple it is for your insured to use our new Cap Dat ACORD Self Service Certificates of Insurance.
(click through the slides to get to see a full screen view)
(click through the slides to get to see a full screen view)
Certificate of Insurance Logs for Your Customer
Your insured using the Cap Dat ACORD Self Service Certificate of Insurance Program will what ot have a permanent record of all certificates she has issued - and you have issued for her.
This 3 slide slide show shows you how simply it is for your customers to view all issued certificates of insurance. They can even see an image of the exact certificate sent.
(Click through the slide to get to a full screen view)
This 3 slide slide show shows you how simply it is for your customers to view all issued certificates of insurance. They can even see an image of the exact certificate sent.
(Click through the slide to get to a full screen view)
Let Your Insured Add Certificate Holders
With a true Self Service Certificate of Insurance program, you need to allow your insured to add as many new certificate holders as they need.
Of course, you will get a record of these - in fact they will be instantly available to you in your Cap Dat ACORD account.
Take a look at this short slide show to see how easy it is for your customer to add certificate holders themselves.
(click through the image to see the slide show in full screen)
If you are not already a Cap Dat ACORD user you can sign up here. There is a 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee to take the risk out of your trying the service.
Of course, you will get a record of these - in fact they will be instantly available to you in your Cap Dat ACORD account.
Take a look at this short slide show to see how easy it is for your customer to add certificate holders themselves.
(click through the image to see the slide show in full screen)
If you are not already a Cap Dat ACORD user you can sign up here. There is a 30 day no questions asked money back guarantee to take the risk out of your trying the service.
De-Activate Self Service Permissions in Cap Dat ACORD
There may come a time when you need to de-activate a customer's access to self service certificates of insurance.
This 4 frame slide show walks you through just how easy that is.
(Click on the image to get to a full screen view)
This 4 frame slide show walks you through just how easy that is.
(Click on the image to get to a full screen view)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Self Service Certificates of Insurance
We have added Self Service Certificates of Insurance to Cap Dat ACORD.
This is a great feature that can let you provide better service while doing less work - I like that!
Here is a short slide show explaining how to create a self service certificate of insurance template and share it with your insured.
If it is too small to read just click through to my Picasa Web Album and you can run it in full screen mode.
This is a great feature that can let you provide better service while doing less work - I like that!
Here is a short slide show explaining how to create a self service certificate of insurance template and share it with your insured.
If it is too small to read just click through to my Picasa Web Album and you can run it in full screen mode.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Now Share Files from Workspace
When we added Sharing with SehHey, a lot - and I mean a lot - of you called and asked why you could not share files from your folders in Workspace.
Well, we listened and now you can.
I hope this makes thousands more of you start to use this great new feature.
Why Share Files Instead of Emailing As Attachments?
- Email attachments can create problems with allowable size limits for attachements There is no size limit on shared files.
- Email can get caught in Spam Filters. Especially if there are links or embedded programs in the email. This is no problem with sharing in SehHey.
- Email is not really very safe and secure. All files shared in SehHey are behind a log in and protected by SSL security.
- With attachments, everybody makes changes to a document and then they are all out of sync. With sharing in SehHey, everyone is working on the same document so it stays in sync as a single source.
- Attachments are in your inbox and after a while can be hard to find. Sharing with SehHey gives you a simple, secure and ORGANIZED space where it is never hard to find your shared items.
Best of all, SehHey gives you the ability to let your customers self service themselves for all kinds of documents they may need. Proof of insurance comes to mind.
Enjoy sharing with Sehhey.
New Release Questions
Questions we have been asked since putting out a new release today...
Q - To get from People to Workspace or to Blank Forms do I have to log in again?
A - No. You can always get to any part of the program from anywhere in the program. The new log in options are there to give you control of where you start in the program.
After we changed the start page from Workspace to Profiles, we had a lot of feedback from folks who had created a bunch of folders in Workspace but had not yet created People Profiles. This change is for all of those folks so they don't have to go to People first and then to Workspace every time they log in. It is a step saver.
Q - What happened to the Tabs?
A - We replaced them with smaller drop down menus. This lets your page load a lot faster. The tabs were also starting to get crowded. This gave us more space for more new functions.
Q - What is happening with Certificates?
A - We have create the first phase of a new Certificate Center. By late next week we should have it entire re-working of this done.
We are making this change to make the Certificate process more intuitive and to add Self Service Certificates.
I understand we had one feature disabled on printing a certificate from Certificate Holders that had no Certificate Holder selected. We are fixing that tonight. Sorry.
Let us know if you are having any other issues. I know change is annoying, but we are working based on your suggestions to make this a great service to fit your needs. We truly appreciate your feedback and your using our service.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Sneak Peak at New Log In and Navigation Tools
Tomorrow - Oct 5th, we will be releasing a new look and feel. We think you will like it - it gives you more control over you experience and how you use our service.
We have new log in options that let you choose where you start - what page you open first.
Here is a text explanation with pictures -
Here is a very short - 47 second video
Here is a text explanation of our new task navigation toolbar in the Workspace area...
And here is a text explanation of our new Workspace navigation...
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sneak Peak at new Cash Box Feature
I have been doing the final testing and marketing work for our Tuesday, August 18th, 2009 release of our Cash Box program. I thought you might like to get a sneak peak at some of the stuff.
The programs lets you...
- Take Payments
- Create and Print Receipts
- Create and Print Remittance Reports
- Balances each Cash Box in your agency perfectly
Here are two short videos showing you how to take a payment...
And how to add companies to the company list.
I love releasing new features - especially at no extra cost!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Securely Share ACORD Forms with Prospects and Insureds
With our new SehHey extension of Cap Dat ACORD, you can now let your insured or prospect help you complete ACORD applications securely and privately online.
You can share a same source document - tech talk for you are both working on the same form.
You share more securely than through email and with none of the hassles email can give you with spam filters and attachment sizes.
Take a look at this 2 minute and 34 second video on how easy this can be...
Learn how to get started with Cap Dat ACORD and SehHey here..
Monday, August 3, 2009
SehHey with Facebook Coonect
We have added Facebook Connect to our SehHey service as part of our Cap Dat ACORD service. Another great upgrade for no additional cost.
With Facebook connect your insureds can access the information you share with them through SehHey without having to remember another user name or password. They can even add a direct link to SehHey and the information your are sharing with them to their Facebook account so you are still easier to find.
See how this works in the short video..
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Digital ID
TAT - the astonishing tribe - has produced a concept video of a mobile digital ID service that is now possible.
Watch the video. What do you think. What other information might you include in such a virtual ID?
Is this a step towards the Web of Data?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
How to Fill In the ACORD 25 Certificate of Liability Insurance
Here is the latest in our video tutorials on how to fill in ACORD forms. This is for Certificates of Liability Insurance.
Please use it, copy it, embed it all you want.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Early Feedback on Collaboration with SehHey
We have had some early feedback on our release in late June of our SehHey service which allows all our Cap Dat ACORD users to share ACORD forms and any other digital information with their insureds, prospects and underwriters.
As a brand new concept we expected it to take some time to evangelize and educate. We have been very pleased that so many of you have tried it out.
My suggestion is you set up a test profile with your email address and invite yourself to share some files.
We will be putting out our second update this Friday - not bad adding new features once a week.
We are improving the messaging so messages you send from inside SehHey can be responded to from the email but still kept track of in the SehHey and Cap Dat ACORD messaging center. They are also now tracked in an enhanced Email Log.
We are making opening shared items a one click task - it started as a double click.
We are moving the screen around based on the comments we have received to be more intuitive.
Thanks for everyone's feedback. And a special thanks to all you early adopters.
We already the list for next weeks release to work on, but please keep those cards and letters - OK comments and emails - coming. We will keep at this until it blows everyone away.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
More Good Twitter Ideas
Dan London's post on How Small Business Can Effectively Use Twitter makes four useful points.
- Announce Specials - yes you can find a corollary in the insurance world.
- Stop sending canned Direct Messages to thank followers. Try coupons - I know about rebating - but surely you can find something of value the person can get - a t-shirt with your agency log is great advertising.
- Move customer service from reported on Twitter to responded to in email.
- Use services like Tweetie to track your "brand"
Take a look at Dan's About Me page. I think he has earned the listen.
Monday, June 22, 2009
SehHey Social Tools Added to Cap Dat ACORD
Today you will notice we have made some changes to your Cap Dat ACORD service.
We have added a fantastic new feature to all our Cap-Dat ACORD users accounts – and at no cost. SehHey – the first ever social application for the insurance industry.
Take a look at this 62 second video to see how your insureds can work with you with this new feature...
Now You Can Be More Competitive
- Your insureds need to be able to get forms from you to renew licenses.
- They need to report a claim when it happens.
- They need to be able to ask you to add a new car to their policy.
To get these things done with you do they have to call you during business hours – or even have to come to your office?
This costs both them and you time and money. Plus it really is not very convenient for your customers.
Insurance buyers expect to be able to get the things they need from you when they need them. Your direct writer competition provides this and you are losing customers because you don’t.
SehHey lets you provide all this and more online, 24/7/365 to all your insureds.
Visit our website to learn a great deal more about just how easy it is to dramatically improve your customer service…
SehHey is the first ever social application tool for the insurance industry. It looks and works like nothing you have ever seen in insurance automation. It even works on the i-phone.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
"How To" Videos for Your Web Site
I have been speaking a great deal recently encouraging agents to create "how to" videos about insurance to post on YouTube.
Why? YouTube is the second most used search engine. The reason is it answers the question "how to?".
It is a great way to be found, plus it is a real service, plus it is a way to cerate a personal interaction with your site visitors - you know - customers and prospects.
I found this example today...
I bet you can do as well or better. Take the challenge.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
How to complete the ACORD 126 Schedule of Hazards Section
Our most recent tutorial - how to complete the ACORd 126 Commercial Genreal Liability Schedule of Hazards section.
I hope this is helpful to you.
I hope this is helpful to you.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
How to Complete the ACORD 126 General Liability section
Here is the next installment of our How to Complete an ACORD Form series. This is for the agency, applicant and coverages sections on page 1 of the ACORD 126 Commercial General Liability section.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Getting Started with Social for Business
Yesterday I had the pleasure and privilege of talking with at a Chat and Chew luncheon with the North Carolina Automobile Insurance Agents Association. I talked to them about my experience with using social networking, social media and social online tools. I hope I was helping them get an understanding of how to use these tools for their business.
Today I was catching up on Chris Brogan's blog and found these two very timely posts.
The first titled Its Just as Difficult as it Seems speaks to the truth that this is real work. But I feel enjoyable and worthwhile work.
The second, titled If I Started Today gives good suggestions from an very experienced source on what to think about as first steps.
I will be writing more about this very soon, but this is a great approach for now.
Today I was catching up on Chris Brogan's blog and found these two very timely posts.
The first titled Its Just as Difficult as it Seems speaks to the truth that this is real work. But I feel enjoyable and worthwhile work.
The second, titled If I Started Today gives good suggestions from an very experienced source on what to think about as first steps.
I will be writing more about this very soon, but this is a great approach for now.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Cap Dat ACORD on the i-Phone
Yesterday I got my first Apple i-Phone. One of the first things I did was try out Cap Dat ACORD on it. I was more than pleased, I was blown away.
Here is a very poorly focused video showing how well it works. I hope you get the idea...
Now you can have all you customers information accessible to you anytime, anywhere on your phone. You can do everything on the phone you can do from your PC except upload new items into the document management system.
And this is only going to get better.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
How to Complete the ACORD 125 Form
Thanks for the encouragement. I have finished the full set of video tutorials for the "How to Complete" ACORD 125 Commercial Insurance Application.
I separated them into 7 short videos so you would not have to spend too much time waiting for the information you needed. I hope they are useful. We will be doing more on a regular basis.
First Section of page 1 - Agency and Company Information
Second section of page 1, Status of Transaction and Program Policy
Third section of page 1, Applicant name and address
4th section of page 1, Premises Information
Last section of page 1, Nature of Business and Description of Operations
Page 2, General Information and Signatures
Page 3, Prior Carrier Information and Loss History
I will try to find a more compact organization presentation.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Add People to Cap Dat ACORD
Because you are a real person, and you work with real people, Cap Dat ACORD lets you add PEOPLE to you system. See how to do this in this short video.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
ACORD Forms Tutorial - ACORD 125
This is our first pass at putting "how to" videos out on YouTube to help folks learn how to complete ACORD Forms
Much more to come as fast as we can get them done.
Notice we are dividing each form up into it's own sections so no video gets too long or tedious. It does mean you will have to pay attention to the title to get the correct section of the ACORD Form "How To" complete this form video.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Getting Started Video
We keep being asked about what to do once you have signed up for Cap Dat ACORD.
This video should help.
This video should help.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
What is Your Relationship With Others
In your work life you have a lot of different relationships with people. Some folks are co-workers, some are clients, some are prospects, some underwriters - you get the idea.
At Cap Dat ACORD we believe you are a real person working with real people and our software service should work exactly that way. Our service should help you have stronger and better relationships instead of isolating you to a computer screen and a cubicle.
So we have added a relationship field for you as a part of the People Profile you create for each person you work with.
You can enter anything you want into the field. Then you can use this to search for groups, etc.
We know you will find ways to use this tool we have not thought of. That is our definition of a good service. You teach it how to work for you instead of you having to learn how to work for it.
Here is a short video showing you how to use the relationship field in Cap Dat ACORD.
At Cap Dat ACORD we believe you are a real person working with real people and our software service should work exactly that way. Our service should help you have stronger and better relationships instead of isolating you to a computer screen and a cubicle.
So we have added a relationship field for you as a part of the People Profile you create for each person you work with.
You can enter anything you want into the field. Then you can use this to search for groups, etc.
We know you will find ways to use this tool we have not thought of. That is our definition of a good service. You teach it how to work for you instead of you having to learn how to work for it.
Here is a short video showing you how to use the relationship field in Cap Dat ACORD.
Find the People You Need to Work With
I am late getting this video out showing you the new People look up carousel in Cap Dat ACORD.
We know you actually are a real person working with other real people. We thought it would be nice if you could see them this way when you worked with them on your computer. What a novel idea.
Here is a quick video - 1 minute and 30 seconds - showing how it works.
You get to find people by actually recognising them. Then we give you more information faster just under the picture. You can even use it just like a Rolodex.
And the people you work with are not all clients. See our video on how to use relationships in Cap Dat ACORD to work with ALL the PEOPLE you actually work with.
We know you actually are a real person working with other real people. We thought it would be nice if you could see them this way when you worked with them on your computer. What a novel idea.
Here is a quick video - 1 minute and 30 seconds - showing how it works.
You get to find people by actually recognising them. Then we give you more information faster just under the picture. You can even use it just like a Rolodex.
And the people you work with are not all clients. See our video on how to use relationships in Cap Dat ACORD to work with ALL the PEOPLE you actually work with.
Add Widgets to Your Policy Files
We are making it possible for you to add widgets - also known as gadgets - to your policy file carousel.
I have embedded the above video using a widget from YouTube.
You may ask why. Or you may ask what is a widget.
Both good and fair questions.
Widgets are programs and services that other people or companies create which you may find useful. The first example I use is always YouTube and the ability to embed a YouTube video into a web page or document.
This is an example below...
I have embedded the above video using a widget from YouTube.
Watch the video to see how we are letting you use this technology in Cap Dat ACORD.
Soon we will be adding this same function to your profile page. I think you will find that a much more useful place to add many widgets. More on that later.
For now realize that what we are doing is opening up our system to work with an incredible range of services available to you online.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Sneak Peek at Carousels Release
Here is a pre-release look at the new carousel feature we will be releasing later this week.
Monday, February 9, 2009
New Release - Associate Files with Policy Profiles
Announcing Cap Dat ACORD's new Associate File feature.
There are two giant steps forward in this release - plus we have done these things while maintaining our core philosophy of creating a system that learns from you.
And, of course, you can continue to use tags, descriptions and notes to create your own unique information organization.
Our original Cap-Dat ACORD philosophy is to provide you - the user of the system - with as much flexibility as possible. We let you create your own folder tree. We let you self organize your files through tagging, etc.
This release marks a milestone in our also providing you with a more structured framework in which to work. But it does not leave behind your freedoms you have come to expect in Workspace.
To re-inforce that point, everytime you create a form using Profiles, you save it not only in the Policy Profile, you also save it in the Workspace Folder of your choice. Or you can create a new folder in Workspace as you create new Client Profiles, new Policy Profiles, new completed forms, or new uploaded files.
Without getting at all technical about this I do want you to know that the original design foundation of Cap-Dat ACORD is what is allowing it to continue to evolve. We will never change that because we know your needs and expectations will continue to evolve.
There are two giant steps forward in this release - plus we have done these things while maintaining our core philosophy of creating a system that learns from you.
- You can now make Client and Policy Profiles the place you do all of you work in Cap-Dat ACORD. Create new completed forms, upload files into document management, email files, etc.
- You can Associate any file you have already created or uploaded with any Policy Profile.
And, of course, you can continue to use tags, descriptions and notes to create your own unique information organization.
Our original Cap-Dat ACORD philosophy is to provide you - the user of the system - with as much flexibility as possible. We let you create your own folder tree. We let you self organize your files through tagging, etc.
This release marks a milestone in our also providing you with a more structured framework in which to work. But it does not leave behind your freedoms you have come to expect in Workspace.
To re-inforce that point, everytime you create a form using Profiles, you save it not only in the Policy Profile, you also save it in the Workspace Folder of your choice. Or you can create a new folder in Workspace as you create new Client Profiles, new Policy Profiles, new completed forms, or new uploaded files.
Without getting at all technical about this I do want you to know that the original design foundation of Cap-Dat ACORD is what is allowing it to continue to evolve. We will never change that because we know your needs and expectations will continue to evolve.
Select and Edit Policy Profile
Our release on Friday Feb 6th made a change in screens leading to the "Edit Policy Profile" function.
The new release changed the word to the right of the policy from"edit" to "select" as shown below. This is because you can now do so many more things from the policy profile.

When you select the policy you are going to work on, this is the screen which opens now...

This opens to the new "Files" tab as opposed to the Profile tab.
To edit you Policy Profile just click on the Profile Tab and this familiar screen appears...

I hope this has not caused too much confusion.
The new release changed the word to the right of the policy from"edit" to "select" as shown below. This is because you can now do so many more things from the policy profile.
When you select the policy you are going to work on, this is the screen which opens now...
This opens to the new "Files" tab as opposed to the Profile tab.
To edit you Policy Profile just click on the Profile Tab and this familiar screen appears...
I hope this has not caused too much confusion.
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